Historical disability abuse by Sadiq Khan
From 2016 Sadiq Kahn kicked this disabled man & many other disabled people off their busking pitch on the Tube & Southbank, then prevented John Smith from ever working again. The most callas of politicians. WHY? What's going on? John is not the only one abused by Khan...Click Here
Network Rail email address...Clic​k Here​
''For 8 years disabled performers like me have been denied the right to work by Sadiq Kahn. Political opponents have been denied access to Londoners under his control''. This is what modern day corruption & abuse looks like.
Sadiq Khan is a disability abuser & guilty of abuse of power. Sir Kier Starmer was emailed about it & ignored the warnings, as always.
A new business venture run by, & employing only people with disabilities to be announced in 2025.
Following the Governments new flexible working directives I will be announcing this new venture that will force intransient councils & TFL to uphold the law with respect to flexible licences and trading standards that has been stifling new disabled run businesses in London. Click Here...
Forcing public authorities to stop stifling growth of businesses run by disabled people ....Shocking...
We seek the backing of No10 to force public authorities to accept they are so for behind the curve of change that there are moving the economy into reverse. They need to make radical changes to their priorities allowing the freedom that new developing businesses need to grow and prosper. If need be we as a new disabled focused business will seek help through the courts to force public authorities & TFL to stop discriminating and start enabling disabled business people.
TFL/Busk In London Westminster City Council and Greenwich council have never allowed any of our disabled people/employees to have a licence to busk or operate a business with the reasonable adjustments required of them by law, therefore acting unlawfully. We seek the support of Sir Kier Starmer as a disabled group of business people & disabled employees to circumvent these public authorities and ask the Government to give us control over licensing disabled people & their businesses. This will cover trading standards and licensing of disabled people and businesses in WCC Greenwich Council National Rail and TFL all of whom have been acting unlawfully in as much as not a single one of my disabled people/employees or myself have been allowed a single licence from all the above authorities.
I am certain that trading standards within these backward authorities will want to stamp on our new business because it doesn't correspond to their idea of what a disabled focus business should look like. This will demonstrate how public authorities are the problem not the solution and as such need to have many of the powers they hold removed and placed into the hands of the disabled people attempting to run businesses.
Public authorities have little experience of the flexible working conditions required from disabled people, as they employ so few them selves. We as disabled people with disabled employees require authorities to step aside and allow growth. OR. Use the courts to stop the business activities of our disabled people & we can see how far that will go.